Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Four Functions Of A Manager - 1279 Words

Final Project The four functions of a manager are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. These are key elements that managers must understand to run a successful organization. I will view each concept as well as their roles to acknowledge how these functions have been related to my personal experience in the work environment. Behind the scenes of a manager, they spend an equal amount of time planning so that he or she can successfully achieve the leading and controlling functions. These functions are standard for any industry that is striving to maintain a strong organization. While reviewing this paper, try to think of the four functions as a method that is established to build on each other. The four functions must be performed efficiently, and when done correctly, an organization will reap the accomplishments from a well-defined plan. My own experiences of how the four functions operate illustrates that each role requires a manager to devote time and patience in order t o ensure that the main principles are achieved. Planning Bateman and Snell (2013) define planning as, â€Å"Specifying the goals to be achieved and deciding in advance the appropriate actions needed to achieve those goals† (p. 5). My past manager had a hard time planning daily tasks. She would make suggestions, but never followed through with the proposals. When I was an employee under her leadership I was lost at the beginning because of her lack of planning and efficiency within this function.Show MoreRelatedThe Four Functions Of A Manager1277 Words   |  6 PagesThe four functions of a manager are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. These are key elements that managers must understand to run a successful organization. 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