Sunday, May 17, 2020

In The United States, Sometimes Called A “Melting Pot Of

In the United States, sometimes called a â€Å"melting pot of ethnicities,† ethnic minorities often are marginalized. The US has a history and culture of comedy, from â€Å"Ben Franklin’s ‘Join, or Die’ image of a severed snake that rallied the Colonies† to â€Å"Thomas Nash’s acidic drawings of the Tweed ring† (Spiegelman 46). While some minority groups see satire as an attack, other groups use comedy to express strength and pride in their community (Rappoport 1). This ethnic comedy has saturated US culture, allowing minorities to produce many of the country’s prominent comedians. Televised comedy, such as stand-up comedy, is wildly popular in the US. Consequently, many of these prominent ethnic comedians are stand-up comedians. Comedy, in this†¦show more content†¦One of the largest ethnic minorities in the US is Mexican. Accordingly, there are several popular Latino stand-up comedians, including Gabriel Iglesias (aka Fluffy) and Louis CK . Latino humor is built upon Latino stereotypes and references to Latino culture. Individuals who actively identify with an ethnic culture have a legitimate claim to making ethnic humor jokes. An individual may also share a similar skin color to the ethnic minority, while not affiliating themselves with it, to gain access to the cultural humor, at least in the eyes of others. This claim, or â€Å"legitimate access,† enables an individual to make jokes about a culture or cultural stereotypes without seeming tasteless or derogatory. However, individuals outside of an ethnic culture who use ethnic humor are deemed vulgar and offensive. In this paper, I will be comparing Fluffy’s â€Å"India vs Mexico† scene from The Fluffy Movie and Louis CK’s â€Å"White People† scene from his Louis CK: Live at the Beacon Theater show. While both Fluffy and Louis CK have legitimate access to Latino culture, they use it to address â€Å"white cu lture† in different ways. 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